Rate Plan Management System

Diverse Rate Plan Management Solutions

With Enersoft, you can have an unlimited number of rate plans, with the ability to customize plans and pricing structures. Plans may include variable rate, fixed rate, index linked rate and the ability to combine these into one plan.

Plan rollouts are customizable. For example, you can set an introductory discount plan for a specified amount of time, to be followed by a different plan after the initial period has expired.

The System automatically and accurately converts each customer to the designated plan when the time arrives, and sends all rate changes to the Utility accordingly.


  • Fully automated rate changes management
  • System automatically sends rate changes to the Utility when a customer plan changes
  • Automatically schedules rate changes to occur on the closest effective date that is acceptable by the Utility
  • Automatically re-sends rate changes that may have been rejected by the Utility
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